
Healthy, Productive and Appreciative Employees

Today, a well thought-out employee benefits strategy integrates both wellness and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.  At Sullivan Benefits, we have the knowledge, expertise, tools and resources necessary to guide you to successful program outcomes.  While the ROI on Wellness is often questioned, our Wellness experts and their support has yielded positive outcomes at organizations of all shapes and sizes.

Support and Resources


Nan Maley, RN – Corporate Wellness Director “Nan the Nurse”


Design and implementation of effective wellness programs


Coordination of onsite events and health fairs


Employee engagement strategies


Extensive library of health and wellness communication materials


Complimentary onsite blood pressure, percent body fat, BMI and stress assessments


On-site individual coaching and counseling


Coordinate initiatives with carriers/vendors


Focus on education and prevention


Monthly wellness newsletters

Wellness Solutions

Our Wellness experts, support and resources help organizations drive employee engagement and education while integrating how to use their benefit plans most effectively.  Our Wellness solutions can support your organization’s HR/Benefits/Finance team and benefits program.

Wellness Newsletters

Wellness Newsletters

Wellness Newsletter – September 2023

The Link Between Health and Happiness: In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, happiness is a goal for many. However, happiness is not an isolated concept; it’s complex and connected to your overall physical and mental health. By understanding and nurturing the links...

Wellness Newsletter – August 2023

Improving Your Self-Discipline: Self-discipline is an important skill that can enable you to reach personal and professional goals. Developing self-discipline is like strengthening muscles; it can be improved with practice. This skill can help make difficult tasks...

Wellness Newsletter – July 2023

Summer Picnic Safety Tips: At some point throughout the summer, you may spend time outside with family and friends at a picnic or backyard barbecue. If you aren’t careful about handling foods and beverages during these cookouts, you’re putting yourself and others at...

Wellness Newsletter – June 2023

Safety Tips for Exercising Outdoors: As we move into summer, many will want to exercise outdoors to stay active and get some fresh air. That’s great news, as health experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. Also, moving your...